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Senior Center Board Minutes 09/17/2018
Lymes’ Senior Center Board of Directors Meeting

September 17, 2018

PRESENT:  Jeri Baker, Gary Weed, Doris Hungerford, Diana Seckla, Don Abraham, Sue Campbell, Kathy Lockwood,  Dot McAndrew, Doris Johnson, Stephanie Lyon-Gould

ABSENT:  Johnny Cody, Joni Bonvicin

GUESTS:  Cheryl Parsons, Stephanie Lyon-Gould’s new assistant.

CALL TO ORDER:  Jeri Baker at 1:00

SECRETARY’S REPORT:   A motion to accept June 2018 minutes  was called for by  Diana Seckla.  Kathy Lockwood seconded.  Unanimous approval.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Doris Hungerford - Treasurer’s Report for June 25th - September 5th, 2018 will be amended at the next board meeting.

COMMUNICATIONS:  Jeri Baker -  Jeri Baker read a thank you note from Sue Campbell expressing her appreciation for the generous gift card.  The Ladies Benevolent Society sent a $500 contribution to the Center from the proceeds of their annual White Elephant Sale.


        Director’s Notes:  Stephanie Lyon-Gould - The VFW will remove the yellow case and hang the items in it on the wall.  Attendance:  The yearly total Sept. 17, 2017-Sept. 17, 2018 - 22,509.  April 2150, May 2381, June 1837, July 2951, August 1702.  

        Building Use:  Gary Weed -  The timers for the outside lights have  been  adjusted for shorter daylight.  Emergency lights and smoke detectors have been tested.

        Special Events: Stephanie Lyon Gould - September 25th (1:00) is the Nonagenarian luncheon and Stephanie invited board members to attend.  Kathy Lockwood will say a few words on behalf of the board.  October 13th is the flu clinic.  October 30th (1:00) is the Veterans Luncheon.   The Concerts will begin the first week in August, 2019.
        Porch Renovation Update:  Stephanie Lyon-Gould, Gary Weed - The porch renovation is waiting for three bids.  $2500 has been approved by the towns for a study on the renovation.

        Memorial Update:   Jeri Baker, Stephanie Lyon Gould, Sue Campbell  -  Memorial Gifts to the Center are automatically recognized by a brick placed in the Garden.  Going forward, how do people add names in memoriam and how much will it cost?  Jeri Baker will contact Diane Blackwell with regards to existing written material.  A committee will be formed to develop written policy.  

        Center Rental Policy Review:  Jeri Baker, Stephanie Lyon-Gould - Current policy allow board members, non for profits and grieving families of center members to utilize the Center space at no charge.  The policy needs to be reviewed and updated.


        Replacement of Tables in Art Room:  Jeri Baker - The two large, heavy tables in the art room need to be replaced with sturdy folding tables.  Request  will be placed in the July budget.

        Request for Chair Replacements:  Stephanie Lyon Gould - The board agreed to delay immediate replacement of the red chairs and include them in the July capital improvements budget.

        Exterior Lighting:  Jeri Baker - LED Solar Lighting will be requested in the new budget.  

        New Policy for Vendors:  Stephanie Lyon-Gould -  The need has arisen to develop a uniform written policy for “for profit” vendors selling a product or service.
        Securing the Center/Opening/Closing:  Jeri Baker - Jeri met with Bonnie and Stephanie about additional key holders for the Center.  Currently only two Board members have keys.  Kathy Lockwood volunteered to be a key holder.  

        Nonagenarian Photo Wall:   Gary Weed put forth a motion, Diana Seckla seconded to approve a $50.00 expenditure for a Scrapbook to house the photos of nonagenarians who have passed.  Sue Campbell and Judy Dutton will purchase a scrapbook and Judy will implement.  

        Other New Business:  Stephanie Lyon Gould - The Center is hiring a “man with a truck” to move tables and chairs for events.  The town(s) have agreed to pay the expense.
Jeri Baker - The third annual exhibit of framed paintings and photographs from the Center Art Classes will be held at town hall in October.  Board members are encouraged to attend the opening reception.  
PUBLIC COMMENT:  Judy Dutton - Has volunteered to create and maintain the nonagenarian Scrapbook.  She would like to find the photos which have been previously removed from the wall so they may be included.
ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 2:05.  Gary Weed moved to adjourn.  Sue Campbell seconded.

NEXT MEETING:  October 15, 2018

Respectfully submitted,
Paula Emery
Recording Secretary